Discharging or Discontinuing Clients - Ethical Considerations
CourseOur esteemed panelists, share their years of experience and offer thoughtful ideas on how to consider the ethical questions that show up in decision making around discharging or discontinuing clients in ABA services.
Introduction to MAGPIES
CourseMAGPIES is systematic and includes easy-to-implement protocols and strategies that teachers/clinicians/other professionals can deliver in naturalistic group settings. This workshop introduces attendees to the MAGPIES program. Part 1 of 5
MAGPIES for Emotional Regulation
CourseThis workshop introduces attendees to MAGPIES for emotion regulation, a developmentally appropriate, neuroaffirmative, contextual behavioral approach to recognize, manage, and following emotions wisely. Part 2 of 5
MAGPIES for Social Skills
CourseThis workshop introduces attendees to MAGPIES for “social skills”, a developmentally appropriate, neuroaffirmative, contextual behavioral approach to teaching children self & other awareness, & to navigate the complexities of the social community.
MAGPIES for Self Esteem
CourseThe most important relationship people can have is the one they have with themselves. This course introduces attendees to a developmentally appropriate, neuroaffirmative, contextual behavioral program targeting healthy selfing for kids. Part 4 of 5.
MAGPIES for Anxiety
CourseLearners will hone their skills in function-spotting & creative hopelessness; making space for children to explore the workability of their current anxiety-management strategies. Attendees will be able to frame anxiety as a cue/signal about values.